We rejoice in the goodness of our Lord as he shows us His continual faithfulness. In our prayer letter this month, we had asked you all to pray for this young teenager’s salvation. He is now our brother in the faith! Prayer is powerful. The good news continues as Iglesia Bautista Vision has averaged an attendance of 45-50 for our Sunday Morning services every week. We thank the Lord, and we thank you for supporting us through your prayer!COVID - 19 IN COLOMBIA UPDATE
As of today we now have 277 cases in our country. We are now under mandatory quarantine until April 13. During these days we had to go to online services until that date. Please help us to pray for the people of the church that they do not get discouraged during this time.
Thank you also for your sacrificial support of the ministry.
You can send support and prayer requests to us at:
Vision Baptist Missions
c/o Miguel Sanabria
P.O. Box 442
Alpharetta, GA 30009

Mailing / Support Address:
Vision Baptist Missions
C/O Miguel Sanabria
P.O. Box 647
Dawsonville, GA 30534
Sending Church:
Vision Baptist Church
Alpharetta, GA
Pastor Trent Cornwell