March prayer letter
This month, we were very close to reaching 40 in attendance. When we were able to meet in person after being in lockdown for several months, we started with 15 people coming to our Sunday morning services. So we are very thankful that we have more than doubled in attendance. We still have to follow the precautions and laws that the government has put in place but our church building is filling up and we will soon need some more space. If you can please pray for the new people who are coming to the services, that they listen to God as He works in their hearts and shows them their need of Christ. Pray that more will surrender to Christ and preach the gospel to their friends and family.
Will you please pray for Jeisson, he is a new young man who is training to be a pastor! We got the opportunity to hear him give a small message and we can see how God is using him and will continue using him as he is training for the future. We can’t wait to see what God has in-store for his future!The Vision of the Baptist Center for World Evangelism
Mailing / Support Address:
Vision Baptist Missions
C/O Miguel Sanabria
P.O. Box 647
Dawsonville, GA 30534
Sending Church:
Vision Baptist Church
Alpharetta, GA
Pastor Trent Cornwell