August Prayer Letter PRINTABLE PRAYER LETTER August prayer letter PEOPLE CONTINUE TO BE FAITHFUL   We have a wonderful praise to share with you! A Colombian man, Nelson Pineda, received our Lord as his Savior this month. Amidst this difficult lockdown, there is...
June Prayer Letter

June Prayer Letter

June Prayer Letter PRINTABLE PRAYER LETTER June prayer letter MINISTRY AND CORONAVIRUS UPDATE We are still under lockdown, as most of Latin America is. Even though it seems the whole world is having a difficult time holding church services right now, we still beg you...
June Prayer Letter

May Prayer Letter

MAY PRAYER LETTER PRINTABLE PRAYER LETTER May prayer letter MINISTRY IN COLOMBIA Once again, this month has been very different from what we would call “usual”. The country is still under a mandatory quarantine, which keeps everybody at home. Despite this, we are...
June Prayer Letter

April Prayer Letter

UPDATE PRINTABLE PRAYER LETTER April prayer letter PEOPLE CONTINUE TO BE FAITHFUL   March was a very interesting month for our family and for the ministry here in Colombia. Because of the Coronavirus (also known as Covid-19), our government put many restrictions into...
June Prayer Letter

March Prayer Letter

UPDATE PRINTABLE PRAYER LETTER March prayer letter GOD CONTINUES TO DO GREAT THINGS IN COLOMBIA   February was a full and exciting month for us. We were blessed with the opportunity to have several special meetings at Iglesia Bautista Vision and see a soul saved!...
June Prayer Letter

February Prayer Letter

UPDATE PRINTABLE PRAYER LETTER February prayer letter THE BEGINNING OF A NEW EXCITING YEAR January has been quite an eventful month for Iglesia Bautista Vision. We had the honor of having Vision Baptist Missions’ Director, Jeff Bush, who taught and encouraged the...